Nothing is better than something that is free. Well, I guess a free punch in the face isn’t that great, but it does give you an awesome free story to tell people.
“Yeah, I was just standing there and I got a free punch in the face!”
“A free punch in the face? Whoa! Usually you gotta DO something to get one of those.”
“Yeah, I know, riiight?!?!”
I got a mailing a few months ago about this “wonderful” service full of free coupons and la dee daa, you get a free iPod shuffle if you sign up, right now, like RIGHT NOW. I’m sure it’s a scam. They charge $24.99 for this service for great deals at salons and crap. But, you know what? You only live once and I wanted that damn free iPod shuffle.
I have limited active memory capacity so I immediately forgot about it when I sent the form off in the mail for it. So imagine my surprise when I opened this mysterious envelope 6 weeks later and a beautiful new iPod shuffle tumbled out onto the kitchen counter. SQUEAL! It’s JUST LIKE MY BIRTHDAY.
I got to work this morning and I held this magical package containing the iPod shuffle for a few moments, basking in its wonderful glow. When I awoke from my stupor some minutes later I opened its plastic shell case and the angels from the heavens sang their glorious praises upon the heavenly device.
I immediately launched my MacBook Pro and carefully tried to steady my hands as I plugged the delicate clip into its polished stand and the usb connecter into the laptop. iTunes SPRANG to life and alerted me of celebrated new device connected. I hurriedly entered some minor details and watched in awe as my new iPod shuffle filled with 161 songs of bliss.
After 5 minutes of anticipation, I detached the iPod Shuffle from its mechanical throne, plugged in ear buds and took a deep breath. The pure sound emanating from the ear buds just might kill me if I am not careful. Fully prepared, I clicked the “play” button and waited. Nothing. Nope. Nothing.
Wondering if my ears were not pure enough to comprehend the mighty promised music from the Shuffle, I almost began to cry and then I noticed the small “OFF” switch. Delighted, I flipped the switch and attempted the button again. At once, the mighty music played! Joy filled the office and my co-workers bowed down to the trophy I had brought upon them.
I am quite sure that my life will only be better thanks to the free 1GB iPod Shuffle I was gifted. No longer will I live life wondering “what might have been.”