Oh My Zsh!
A few months ago I found the oh-my-zsh repository on GitHub and decided to play around with/use it and made a quick lightening talk about it for the people at work. I also forked the project and made …
Gawker Hacker
Yet another reason to use a password manager. Unbelievable, coming from a network of nerds and geeks who have posted articles in the past about password management. And here the CEO uses short, …
Not to be confused with Movember which is infinitely cooler (because it involves mustaches) than Move-ember which sucks (because it doesn't involve mustaches.) I can report that we have …
Getting Ready for a Move
I hate moving. Since the beginning of college, I've moved probably a dozen times between house moves with my family or moving back and forth from dormitories. This includes the process of deciding …
Ode to My Couch
O, to ye old couch, to whom I must leave by the roadside in the impending move to my new home in the city of Brooklyn, ye have served me well. Who is older than dirt and is certainly older than me, …