My sister Jennifer graduated from college in the spring and recently moved to Philadelphia for her new job post-graduation. She lives about 2- 2.5 hours away from my place so we have been talking …
1 Year Checkup
I was hoping to make a post about Izzie and how much she has grown in the short time I've had her and come back from the vet with a clean bill of health, but unfortunately not! I got Isabella from …
Making the Blogenning Easier (Maybe?)
I've been promising this for a while but with regular life and headaches taking over my free time... I have been less than productive. But fear not! I DO have an update. I think I basically have the …
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The Story of Izzie and Minty
When Isabella was a baby and i first brought her home, her breeder sent her off with a small mint-colored stuffed squeaky bear. We named him "Minty." He immediately became Izzie's favorite …
Some of my favorite sites
To get ideas for what I want to do with The Land of Rhul, I've been playing with other people's online games and forums. Some sites I play for a few months, get tired of it, and lose interest and only …
Organizing Yourself in an Unorganized World
I'm an organization addict. I used to be worse and I had to check certain things were in their place before I left my house/dorm room/apartment. (Probably borderline OCD issues.) I'm "better" now, …
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