Uninstall Engine Yard’s OS X RailsInstaller
I'm in the midst of teaching an introductory 8-weeks course on Ruby and Ruby on Rails over at General Assembly in Manhattan. Per the course material, we have them install RailsInstaller, an …
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Growl 2.0 — Some Headaches, Some Workarounds
Like a lot of people I know who are on Macs, I use Growl for the different alerts I have set up on the different applications I use. For my IM client, Adium, I want to know when I get a new message …
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Help Me Design My Home Office
Help. I can't stand it anymore and now that I am starting a new full-time job, I will have even less time to sit around and brainstorm ideas on how to fit my creative world into a small second bedroom …
Oh My Zsh and Mountain Lion
Quick post on something I noticed when I upgraded to Mountain Lion this evening. When I started up my shell I got this error: git_compare_version:4: command not found: git I thought maybe I had to …
Problems Sending/Receiving Messages with iMessage
I generally love my iPhone and my life has forever changed since being introduced to the device when it first grace the world with its appearance. That being said, there are a few things that piss …
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