Help. I can’t stand it anymore and now that I am starting a new full-time job, I will have even less time to sit around and brainstorm ideas on how to fit my creative world into a small second bedroom of our condo in Brooklyn.
We’ve lived in this space for almost 2 years now, and I would really like to get this fixed before our second anniversary of living here rolls around.
This where you, my friends and stalkers, come in. I need ideas. And most importantly, even though my husband doesn’t use the space very often, he needs to be on board as well. I fought so hard for a second bedroom whenever we were looking for houses 2 years ago, and I’m glad I did. I don’t know how we would fit all of my crap into a one bedroom flat considering my varied and shifting interests and his technical and architectural pursuits.
That being said, it’s a pretty small room, has a huge glass sliding door out into a balcony currently occupied with storage and our newly installed central air conditioning unit, and NO CLOSET space. The room is 8’x10’11”. What do I do?
What I am looking for:
- No knocking down walls (as much as the hubby would probably have fun doing that.)
- Separate “his” and “hers” working desk space.
- I do scrapbooking, various crafts, and of course the occasional programming (grin.)
- Adam likes to program and I’m trying to get him to do his photography again.
- We have various programming books and I need separate storage for my crafting projects from his photography needs.
- I’d also like a place to have a nice printer/scanner station.
- We probably have to fit a dog kennel in there somewhere.
And now I will hereby embarrass myself by posting some crappy pictures of the room: