Well, no freaking wonder I can’t get anything done this week! It seems I have been unintentionally celebrating “National Procrastination Week!”
I really kinda hate it when people make up these weird “awareness” weeks like “National Wear Your Pants on Your Head Day” or “Foot Growth Awareness Week.” I mean, yeah, I see your growth and I am VERY aware of it, THANK YOU.
I think the only “National [blah blah] Day” I was ever excited for was “National No Pants Day” and that was because I hate winter and along with pants I hate wearing shoes and by May it’s usually warm enough to put on sandals too. And no, before you ask, I was no one to run around in my skivvies, it would just give me an excuse to wear shorts.
I digress. If you feel the need to be aware of or celebrate your procrastination, then by all means, please celebrate your holiday. I on the other hand will continue to be less procrastinative (“uh, I don’t think that’s a word, Rachel!”) and continue to use the Pomodoro Technique, but that discussion is for another blog post at a later time.
Corollary:Â After reviewing some comments on this post, I failed to mention my affinity for “International Talk Like a Pirate Day.” How could I have forgotten this? It’s on my fricken birthday. I have then come to the conclusion that I am fine with “National Whatever” days but if I have to be “aware” for any extended time, I go batty. I can only take my insanity in small, bite-sized pieces.
But, what of National Talk Like a Pirate Day? That day’s pretty awesome.
Does “Towel Day” count in this discussion, because that’s my third favorite (behind “Talk Like a Pirate” and “No Pants Day”)
I guess I am going to have to make a corollary to my statement, I think I like “days” but not when I have to be “aware” for any extended period of time.
Although it would seem more likely that I be the one to keep track of this keep and celebrate it considering it is the norm for teenagers such as I, I've never even heard of it!